Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC), San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC), Bay Area Regional Collaborative (BARC)
Pathways Climate Institute has supported the Bay Area Adapting to Rising Tides (ART) program, with a goal of increasing the preparedness and resilience of Bay Area communities to sea level rise and other climate change-related impacts.
Dr. Kris May has supported ART since its inception in 2010 with her previous employer, AECOM, including developing innovative mapping approaches and tools for completing climate change vulnerability and risk assessments. Since completing the original assessments in Alameda County in 2011, the ART program has grown to become the leading Bay Area climate change preparedness program, supporting multi-sector, cross-jurisdictional projects that build local and regional capacity for identifying and implementing adaptation responses.
Pathways supported the development of a Regional Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Framework to identify the most vulnerable regions of the Bay to sea level rise, considering the vulnerability and consequence of transportation assets, Priority Development Areas, and Priority Conservation Areas across a range of sea level rise scenarios. The framework supports the prioritization of assets for deeper analysis and development of adaptation strategies.